Marvel Champions LCG Expansion Rise of the Red Skull


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The world trembles under the sinister shadow of Hydra, a malevolent organization that has woven its treacherous web throughout society, corrupting governments and bending justice to its will. Though it may begin with an overt assault on Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., the tendrils of Hydra's influence run deep beneath the surface. Your valiant struggle against evil is just taking its first steps...

Behold the Rise of Red Skull campaign expansion—an extraordinary infusion of fresh content for your Marvel Champions adventures. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman step into the fray, adding their prowess to your roster with fully pre-built and ready-to-play player decks enriched with new cards. Whether you rally with these new champions or stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your trusted favorites, you're about to face off against five brand-new villains: Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Zola, and the malevolent Red Skull.

Each of these five scenarios presents a distinct challenge, and while the choice of your adversary rests in your hands, this campaign expansion stays true to its name. Witness the dawn of the campaign mode in Marvel Champions: The Card Game, an entirely new dimension to your gameplay experience. It's not just individual battles; it's a narrative journey that unfolds with each triumph and setback.

Marvel Champions LCG Expansion Rise of the Red Skull


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The world trembles under the sinister shadow of Hydra, a malevolent organization that has woven its treacherous web throughout society, corrupting governments and bending justice to its will. Though it may begin with an overt assault on Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., the tendrils of Hydra's influence run deep beneath the surface. Your valiant struggle against evil is just taking its first steps...

Behold the Rise of Red Skull campaign expansion—an extraordinary infusion of fresh content for your Marvel Champions adventures. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman step into the fray, adding their prowess to your roster with fully pre-built and ready-to-play player decks enriched with new cards. Whether you rally with these new champions or stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your trusted favorites, you're about to face off against five brand-new villains: Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Zola, and the malevolent Red Skull.

Each of these five scenarios presents a distinct challenge, and while the choice of your adversary rests in your hands, this campaign expansion stays true to its name. Witness the dawn of the campaign mode in Marvel Champions: The Card Game, an entirely new dimension to your gameplay experience. It's not just individual battles; it's a narrative journey that unfolds with each triumph and setback.